Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"$ for Nothing, and your chips for free"...

In response to blog post 'A Living Wage' by Christina Waid, I found it a great post  by Christina!  I'm glad she chose to use an example such as the CEO from Walmart, especially because that is one of the most popular stores that Americans shop at.  Although many people ban Walmart for its corporate overtaking, it has changed a lot in the past 2 years in an effort to keep up with green initiatives and more sustainable efforts toward product retail, and production costs.  So another way to win the respect of people who ban such Corporate America outlets of retail, would be able to help make a substantial change in the allocation of employee hourly wages.  The benefit would probably draw in additional shoppers because people like to see altruistic efforts, and the company would gain so much more respect in the long run. She proposed an excellent idea just to increase each person's wage an additional amount, which adds up in the end.  Committed employees efforts shouldn't be negotiated or tossed by the way side.  Though people have "banned" Walmart,realistically it isn't the most affordable choice since our last recession, since you can pay up to 1/4 the cost of some items that you'd pay at competitor stores.  Is spending more money to consciously make a difference at a retail store worth more to you then being financially happier?  Wouldn't people feel better about donating their saved money elsewhere and still have extra money at the end of the month to order pizza or go to a movie.  People can survive like a minimalist by shopping at Walmart, the employees should be rewarded because it's such a stressful environment, the CEO should have to budget his pocket book differently.  There are many great companies that have other incentives that help offset the cost of living or times when employees increases are in a pay freeze.  For instance, Valero Fuel Company spreads the wealth by every time an Executive Memeber gets an increase, every one in the company gets one too.  In the hospitality industry employees get free hotel nights and discounts on travel, in the Airplane Industry workers get extremely cheap or free air flights.  Benefits also make a huge difference, so there could possibly be a clause added to Corporate Companies in America, and passed by our Federal Government, that suggest a certain percentage of wages should be allocated in discounts to staff.  Since a lot of Non-Profits do this already because their salaries and hourly wages are already fairly low, they should be mandated as well, for those who don't present any extra incentives.  Social Services, Behavioral Health and Medical & Disabled Care workers for needing recipients  don't get paid enough for what they do and their wages should be increased to at least $2.00 above minimum wage.  With the inflated numbers of people receiving assistance from the government, it makes it difficult for those who work 40 hours a week on hourly wages to get ahead.  Again this would be another opportunity for the government to add additional regulations on behalf of the Wage Committee, that stipulate assistance for minimum wage workers, including resources to use for housing, financing, planning, education, and health; currently all the areas most effected by poverty.  In addition to thirsty workers helping those in need of greed instead of those in need, I find similarly irritating is beggars at stoplights who have given up completely on earning a living, and would merely rather beg their wages away.  Are they too receiving assistance, and taking advantage of other citizens who work and try to get by on an earnest living? Some of them gross at least $30,000 year, more then poverty stricken working Americans!  I'm all for helping people in need, but I tend to think beggars are just the same as Corporate Hound dogs disguised in dirty attire; greedy as charged.  Pay people a little bit more, and maybe they'll be less of them on the street.  They are out of control.  People can help people rise out of poverty, but only those who are poverty stricken, putting forth some effort to help themselves first, will survive.  Those are the Americans that the Government and Politicians needs to step up, and help represent.

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